©2000 EyeWire™, Inc. Web Site: www.eyewire.com Orders and Information: 1-800-661-9410 Telephone: 403-262-8008 Technical Support: 403-294-3193 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Footage --------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes Each title consists of two CD-ROM discs. Folder and file names may differ slightly; those that do are listed in the following format: Macintosh/WINDOWS. Utility applications are platform-specific. -------------------- CD-ROM 1 CONTENTS -------------------- Folders and files at root level are denoted by • • Documentation/DOCS folder ------------------------- Information.pdf/INFO.PDF - Adobe Acrobat PDF file containing the documentation for EyeWire video. • D1-NTSC/D1_NTSC ----------------------------- Full screen, 720 pixel by 486 pixel, broadcast quality QuickTime movies. • Previews/PREVIEWS folder: ------------------------- 160 pixel by 120 pixel, preview size QuickTime movies. • Read Me First/READ_ME.TXT - Release notes. • Utilities/UTILS folder --------------------- Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0/ACROREAD folder: Acrobat Reader 3.0 Installer (Macintosh) For Windows 95 or Windows NT, install AR32E30.EXE. Installation is necessary to view PDF files. ------------------ CD-ROM 2 CONTENTS ------------------ Folders and files at root level are denoted by • • Documentation/DOCS folder ------------------------- Information.pdf/INFO.PDF - Adobe Acrobat PDF file containing the documentation for EyeWire video. • D1-NTSC/D1_NTSC ----------------------------- Full screen, 720 pixel by 486 pixel, broadcast quality QuickTime movies. • Read Me First/READ_ME.TXT - Release notes. • Utilities/UTILS folder --------------------- Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0/ACROREAD folder: Acrobat Reader 3.0 Installer (Macintosh) For Windows 95 or Windows NT, install AR32E30.EXE. Installation is necessary to view PDF files. ------------------------------- THE ADOBE ACROBAT® 3.0 READER ------------------------------- You can install the Adobe Acrobat 3.0 Reader by double-clicking the installer in the Acrobat Reader Installer/ACROREAD folder which is located in the Utilities/UTILS folder on either disc. Much of the documentation included on the CD-ROM is provided in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). You may view and print these PDF files with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Important! Many of the new features in Adobe Acrobat 3.0 documents are not supported with the Acrobat 2.1 Reader, so it is strongly recommended that you use the newer version. ©2000 EyeWire, Inc. All rights reserved.